Thursday, March 5, 2009

Different between LCD and TFT Monitor

A liquid crystal display (commonly abbreviated LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of any number of color or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It is prized by engineers because it uses very small amounts of electric power, and is therefore suitable for use in battery-powered electronic devices.

TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) is a variant of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which uses Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology to improve image quality. TFT LCD is one type of active matrix LCD, though it is usually synonymous with LCD.

It is used in both flat panel displays and projectors. In computing, TFT monitors are rapidly displacing competing CRT technology, and are commonly available in sizes from 12 to 30 inches. As of 2006, they have also made inroads on the television market.

This is only my personal view, and for more information you can visit the above links and i think this answer was elaborate and hoping this would help you better.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

flying man jetpack

A handout picture released by Glenn Martin on March 03, 2009 shows a test-pilot demonstrating a personal flying machine, called a strap-on jetpack. The machine, which is produced in Christchurch, New Zealand, costs $100,000 and is due for release at the end of 2009

a billboard advertising jewellery

IT Question Answers: 5 in 1 eBook

Here is the 5 in 1 EBook for the following topics.

Database Administration

Snapshot :

Ajax is a way of developing Web applications that combines:

XHTML and CSS standards based presentation
Interaction with the page through the DOM
Data interchange with XML and XSLT
Asynchronous data retrieval with XMLHttpRequest
JavaScript to tie it all together

Database Administration
Database administration is a complex, often thankless chore. The collection of links on this page will help you keep your DBMS humming along at peak performance.

SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms.

Transact-SQL is Microsoft's proprietary extension to the Structured Query Language (SQL).

XML is the eXtensible Markup Language -- a system created to define other markup languages. For this reason, it can also be referred to as a metalanguage. XML is commonly used on the Internet to create simple methods for the exchange of data among diverse clients.

Windows 7 Beta Shortcut Keys

Win+Up Maximize
Win+Down Restore / Minimize
Win+Left Snap to left
Win+Right Snap to right
Win+Shift+Left Jump to left monitor
Win+Shift+Right Jump to right monitor
Win+Home Minimize / Restore all other windows
Win+T Focus the first taskbar entry

Pressing again will cycle through them, you can can arrow around.
Win+Shift+T cycles backwards.
Win+Space Peek at the desktop
Win+G Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order
Win+P External display options (mirror, extend desktop, etc)
Win+X Mobility Center (same as Vista, but still handy!)

(# = a number key) Launches a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar.
Example: Win+1 launches first pinned app, Win+2 launches second, etc.
Win + +
Win + -
(plus or minus key) Zoom in or out.

Alt+P Show/hide Preview Pane
Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance
Middle click on icon Open a new instance
Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance with Admin privileges

Shift + Right-click on icon Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc)
Note: Normally you can just right-click on the window thumbnail to get this menu
Shift + Right-click on grouped icon Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.
Ctrl + Click on grouped icon Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

About PHP interview

What does a special set of tags do in PHP?
The output is displayed directly to the browser.

What’s the difference between include and require?
It’s how they handle failures. If the file is not found by require(), it will cause a fatal error and halt the execution of the script. If the file is not found by include(), a warning will be issued, but execution will continue.

I am trying to assign a variable the value of 0123, but it keeps coming up with a different number, what’s the problem?

PHP Interpreter treats numbers beginning with 0 as octal. Look at the similar PHP interview questions for more numeric problems.

Would I use print "$a dollars" or "{$a} dollars" to print out the amount of dollars in this example?

In this example it wouldn’t matter, since the variable is all by itself, but if you were to print something like "{$a},000,000 mln dollars", then you definitely need to use the braces.

How do you define a constant?
Via define() directive, like define ("MYCONSTANT", 100);

How do you pass a variable by value?
Just like in C++, put an ampersand in front of it, like $a = &$b

Will comparison of string "10" and integer 11 work in PHP?
Yes, internally PHP will cast everything to the integer type, so numbers 10 and 11 will be compared.

When are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?
When the original if was followed by : and then the code block without braces.

Explain the ternary conditional operator in PHP?
Expression preceding the ? is evaluated, if it’s true, then the expression preceding the : is executed, otherwise, the expression following : is executed.

How do I find out the number of parameters passed into function?
func_num_args() function returns the number of parameters passed in.
If the variable $a is equal to 5 and variable $b is equal to character a, what’s the value of $$b
100, it’s a reference to existing variable.

What’s the difference between accessing a class method via -> and via ::?
:: is allowed to access methods that can perform static operations, i.e. those, which do not require object initialization.

Are objects passed by value or by reference?
Everything is passed by value.

How do you call a constructor for a parent class?

What’s the special meaning of __sleep and __wakeup?
__sleep returns the array of all the variables than need to be saved, while __wakeup retrieves them.

Why doesn’t the following code print the newline properly?
Because inside the single quotes the \n character is not interpreted as newline, just as a sequence of two characters - \ and n.

Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
Since the data inside the single-quoted string is not parsed for variable substitution, it’s always a better idea speed-wise to initialize a string with single quotes, unless you specifically need variable substitution.

How come the code works, but doesn’t for two-dimensional array of mine?
Any time you have an array with more than one dimension, complex parsing syntax is required. print "Contents: {$arr[1][2]}" would’ve worked.

What is the difference between characters \023 and \x23?
The first one is octal 23, the second is hex 23.

With a heredoc syntax, do I get variable substitution inside the heredoc contents?

I want to combine two variables together:
$var1 = 'Welcome to ';
$var2 =';

What will work faster?
Code sample 1:
$var 3 = $var1.$var2;
code sample 2:
$var3 = "$var1$var2";
Both examples would provide the same result - $var3 equal to "Welcome to". However, Code Sample 1 will work significantly faster. Try it out with large sets of data (or via concatenating small sets a million times or so), and you will see that concatenation works significantly faster than variable substitution.

For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences?
echo is the most primitive of them, and just outputs the contents following the construct to the screen. print is also a construct (so parentheses are optional when calling it), but it returns TRUE on successful output and FALSE if it was unable to print out the string. However, you can pass multiple parameters to echo, like:

and it will output the string "Welcome to!" print does not take multiple parameters. It is also generally argued that echo is faster, but usually the speed advantage is negligible, and might not be there for future versions of PHP. printf is a function, not a construct, and allows such advantages as formatted output, but it’s the slowest way to print out data out of echo, print and printf.

I am writing an application in PHP that outputs a printable version of driving directions. It contains some long sentences, and I am a neat freak, and would like to make sure that no line exceeds 50 characters. How do I accomplish that with PHP?
On large strings that need to be formatted according to some length specifications, use wordwrap() or chunk_split().

What’s the output of the ucwords function in this example?
$formatted = ucwords("A Blog for Technology");
print $formatted;What will be printed is A Blog for Technology.
ucwords() makes every first letter of every word capital, but it does not lower-case anything else. To avoid this, and get a properly formatted string, it’s worth using strtolower() first.

What’s the difference between htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars?
htmlspecialchars only takes care of <, >, single quote ‘, double quote " and ampersand. htmlentities translates all occurrences of character sequences that have different meaning in HTML.

What’s the difference between md5(), crc32() and sha1() crypto on PHP?
The major difference is the length of the hash generated. CRC32 is, evidently, 32 bits, while sha1() returns a 128 bit value, and md5() returns a 160 bit value. This is important when avoiding collisions.
So if md5() generates the most secure hash, why would you ever use the less secure crc32() and sha1

Crypto usage in PHP is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s free. First off, depending on the data that you’re encrypting, you might have reasons to store a 32-bit value in the database instead of the 160-bit value to save on space. Second, the more secure the crypto is, the longer is the computation time to deliver the hash value. A high volume site might be significantly slowed down, if frequent md5() generation is required.

How do you match the character ^ at the beginning of the string?

VoIP Requirements for Small Business VoIP

Your Network (Can your LAN (Local Area Network) support VoIP calls?) - You will never realize the full experience of a Ferarri F430 driving it on dirt road. When it comes to VoIP, your service is the car and your network the road.

In order to get the most out of service, you need to make sure you have a smoothly paved surface without a lot of congestion. If you utilize the web heavily, or send large files frequently, you might want to consider setting up a separate network just for voice.

With switching prices dropping every day, the minor cost investment is worth the ability to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) of your voice service.

Your Internet connection (How much bandwidth do you have?) - The number one cause of small business VoIP problems has to do with what is called the "last mile" of Internet service.

Since most small businesses are looking at saving money by switching to VoIP, they forget that they may actually need to increase the size of their Internet connection in order to account for the additional traffic that they will now be sending or receiving.

In order to make sure you have adequate bandwidth, ask your potential VoIP service provider how large their voice packets are, then multiple this number by how many simultaneous calls you will be making in order to see how much bandwidth your VoiP calling will take up.

Your calling habits (Does your business make more local or long distance calls?) - Many businesses are mis-informed when it comes to the cost savings of switching to VoIP. If your company makes more local than long distance calls, you might not save much by moving to VoIP.

If, however, you make a considerable amount of long distance calls, switching to VoIP may provide you with considerable cost savings. Note that you can use an IP based phone system and not use VoIP to send and receive calls.

The PSTN (What to do with the PSTN?) - As noted above, not every small business will benefit from making VoIP calls - you might be better off placing all of your call over the Publicly Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

However, even if you do choose to you VoIP for the majority of calls, it is important that every small business keep at least one PSTN line for fail-over, since if your network goes down, you can still make calls over the PSTN.

Your Disaster Plan (What happens if the power or network goes down?) - You are probably getting tired of reading about all of the "boring" aspects of VoIP, but in reality, most small businesses skip things like a disaster plan when deploying VoIP and end up kicking themselves when they go through a storm, blizzard, tornado or hurricane and their communications systems no longer work.

Since VoIP utilizes the Internet and your network to transport calls, if either ever go down, you will be without VoIP service. Make sure you take into consideration how to build redundancy and power protection into your VoIP solution.

Premise or Hosted Phone System (How large is your business?) - As you know, there are a variety of size definitions for small businesses. For instance, if you are a 1 - 3 person small business, a basic business VoIP service might suffice.

If you have under 15 people in your office and do not want to deal with a phone system, you may want to consider a hosted VoIP service, where your phone system is hosted by your service provider.

If you are a business that is larger then 15, but not over 30 people, you will want to look at both hosted and premise based phone system solutions. If you are larger then 30 people, you will want to focus your efforts on a premise based solution as it is likely to offer the best ROI.

Your VoIP Service (Who should you get your VoIP Service from?) - There are a ton of choices when it comes to VoIP service. From nationwide, to regional, to local VoIP service providers, you can get VoIP in all different shapes and sizes.

Once you determine whether your business is best suited for a premise or hosted based solution, you will need to find a service provider that delivers the solution you need. Look for things such as up-time, service level agreements and customer recommendations before signing-up with a service provider.

Your Calling Rates (Are you better off with a flat monthly rate or a per minute rate?) - Depending on your call volume, you might get a better deal from flat rate of per minute calling. Take some time to do the math as most business VoIP providers offer both types of calling.

Your VoIP Hardware (Who will be using this equipment?) - Before selecting your VoIP hardware (such as IP phones, soft phones and headsets) make sure to conduct a needs assessment to identify what each position or person needs out of the VoIP hardware they will be using. Do they need a great speakerphone, 32 line appearances, etc.

Your Budget (How much do have to spend on this VoIP deployment?) - Today, pricing for VoIP solutions varies pretty widely since there are so many different ways to deploy VoIP within a small business. Some things to consider are:

Do you want to pay for everything up front, do you want a monthly recurring charge or do you want to pay for some of the system up-front and pay the rest off monthly. Make sure you know what the total cost of ownership (TCO) is.

Your ROI (How quickly will I see a return thanks to making the switch?) - In today’s economic climate, ROI (and how soon you will see one) is an important factor in any capital outlay While most small businesses will see instant decreases in monthly calling charges, it often comes with an cost.

In order to calculate how soon you will see an ROI, simply calculate the total monthly cost savings my making the switch, and divide that by total upfront costs. This will give you the number of months to break-even on your upfront investment.

Your Comfort Level (Do you have in-house talent to maintain this system?) - Just because Doug plays World of Warcraft for four hours everyday and was able to successfully hack into your neighbors WiFi network doesn’t mean he is qualified to maintain your VoIP system.

When something goes wrong, you need to make sure there is someone who can solve the problem. While VoIP systems are much easier to use and maintain then previous communications systems, you will need to make sure that you truly have the qualifications to maintain this system internally or you will need to find someone to do it for you.

The previous 12 points are really a starting point for your small business. Since each small business is so different, your own checklist of VoIP requirements will need to be created, but you can use these 12 points above to create your own VoIP requirements list to ensure that you get the right VoIP solution.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to Start Visual Studio from Run Dialog?

As with starting any application, part of the time it takes to start Visual Studio is spent hunting for it in your Start menu.

Many developers find it much easier to simply open the Run dialog and enter the name of the application executable.

To do this with Visual Studio, all you need to do is open the Run dialog (Windows Key-R or Start Programs Run), then type devenv and press Enter.

This is by far the fastest way to get the application up and running. There is also a switch for devenv called /nosplash, which will suppress the splash page for Visual Studio.

So, you can type devenv /nosplash into the Run dialog (or the command prompt) to have Visual Studio start up without the splash page.